Route 6 Wolf Park Gate


This was one of the wolf pen gates at Dr. McCleery's wolf park along Route 6, five miles east of Kane, PA. This particular gate was located at the main north entrance to the wolf pens, and lead into the central corridor which provided access to all of the wolf pens. The chipped paint suggests that this gate was originally painted green. The heavy use of this gate is evidenced by the wear on the pole near the hinges, as seen in the photos.

Similar gates opened into each wolf pen. These gates were locked using metal rings hooked around the main structural poles, which could be slid over the longest spike on the gate to lock it against the pole.

According to Ron Housler, this gate was probably manufactured using drilling rods.



Height at highest spike: 5 feet 1 inch
Height at lower spikes: 4 feet 9 inches
Width: 2 feet 10 inches


This gate was acquired by the Kane Depot in April 2012 and is currently owned by and on display at the Kane Depot in Kane, PA.