Odds Are Heavy Against Lobo Wolf Pups Reaching Maturity [Photos and Caption in Kane Republican: Special Edition]


One of these photos features several wolf pups, and the other photo features Dr. E. H. McCleery with several of the pups. The caption briefly describes how wolves raise their pups and the dangers the pups face from the time they are born.

An excerpt from the caption is quoted below.


February 20, 1962

Page Numbers

Supplement: Special "Dr. McCleery-Wolves" Edition, Page 1


This supplemental special edition is not available on microfilm. A copy is currently owned by the Kane Depot and is available for viewing there.

Partial Text

Lobo wolf pups are "cute" - "cuddly" up to a certain stage - but they are in a battle of survival of the fittest from the time they are born. Dr. McCleery says if a mother lobo has one outstanding pup she may keep that one - eat the others.