Lobo Wolves 5 Miles East of Kane, PA. [Postcard]


This photograph depicts two wolves in a pen at Dr. McCleery's lobo wolf park, located along Route 6 five miles east of Kane, PA. A few more wolves can be seen in the background. The photo also depicts the wolf pen gate door, wire laid on the ground at the bottom of the fence, a tree stump, and a bucket.

This is a postcard. The number 12768 is printed on the front of the card. The caption on the back of the card reads, "The only LOBO WOLVES in the world - so fierce and un-tamable the puppies are taken away from the mother at 1 month of age, raised to 1 year of age mated and penned in pairs, having already reverted to their natural wild instincts."

This photo was taken between 1929 (when Dr. McCleery moved the wolf park to the Route 6 location) and 1941 (the postmark date on a used version of this postcard I have seen).


This item is from the personal collection of Kirsten Canfield.


Between 1929 and 1941